Healthy Lifestyle and Arts

15 Minutes of Movement

Join us, generate some endorphins, and spread your smile across Arizona.

In honor of this life-sustaining practice, you are invited to join us in 15 Minutes of Movement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The sessions, which will be held on Zoom, will be at 9:30 am and 4:30 pm. Take a break and enjoy 15 minutes that will help reinvigorate your day.

Learn about the therapeutic benefits of working with clay and create a personally meaningful piece of art with the clay. No experience is necessary, and instruction and materials will be provided.

Please note that working with clay is a two-step process. Participants will need to return to a subsequent class to paint/glaze their pieces.

Expressive Arts focuses on projects that help members explore the changes and challenges they find themselves in through various artistic methods. No experience is necessary. Materials provided.

Enjoy the feeling of creating beautiful art while in the comfort of your own home.

Making art is a proven stress reducer and can build up your resiliency. We’ll explore a variety of mediums, and instruction will be given during the class. You’ll receive an email letting you know what materials you’ll need to have on hand to participate in this class (typically, it’s very simple household items or common art supplies).

The Japanese practice of shinrin yoku, or Forest Bathing, is good for both physical and mental well-being. It is proven to reduce stress hormone production, improve feelings of happiness and free up creativity, as well as lower heart rate and blood pressure, boost the immune system and accelerate recovery from illness.

The Healing Energy Circle is a safe space where we meet to talk about certain topics. We do a meditation, an Integral Holistic Therapy TEC for the group, and Cosmic Healing with KRYSTAL Reiki.

The intention of the Healing Circles is for you to feel better and heal. In the Healing Energy Circle, you receive healing and protection at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Conducted by Master Zoly Alexandra Morales (CHIEC Flagstaff). Come dressed comfortably

Originating from Japan, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the ancient art of harmonizing the body’s energetic system. Learn the practice of light touch to help open these blocked pathways and restore the body’s energy to a more harmonious state.

This is an ongoing class that welcomes newcomers. If this is your first time, you’ll find it helpful to view the 10-minute Jin Shin Jyutsu intro video that you can find in our On Demand Programming Series.

Oncology Yoga is a method tailored to address the specific physical and emotional needs experienced by those going through cancer treatment and into survivorship. The classes are led by Ann Ford, an instructor who has received specific training to address the unique needs of cancer patients with safe and effective interventions.

Sessions include exercises to build strength and flexibility, improve the immune system and lymphatic function, reduce cancer-related fatigue, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, increase bone density, manage common side effects (such as lymphedema, constipation, neuropathy), and encourage survivors to actively participate in their wellness plan.

Join Christine Stephenson and John Mead for a relaxing Guided Meditation followed by a focused, Reikihealing session.

Reiki is a form of energy healing geared toward enhancing relaxation and stress reduction. The combination of a Guided Meditation followed by a Reiki session will leave you in a peaceful and meditative state to help you along your healing journey.

Rise and Recharge is our monthly Saturday half-day, drop-in programs. Rise and Recharge features activities for you and your family, and you can participate in as many programs as you’d like, including educational sessions, healthy lifestyles classes, and games, plus newcomer orientations for those joining us for the first time.

Learn simple strength and balance exercises with appropriate modifications. This class is open to anyone at any level.

Strength training can help cancer survivors cope with some of the energy-draining side effects of cancer and cancer treatment. Meanwhile, balance training can help you regain the function and mobility you need to return to your daily activities safely. Maintaining good balance also helps prevent injuries, such as falls.

Grab some lined paper and a pen — that’s all you need! Writing images from one’s memory and imagination can be a healing act. According to studies, some individuals may benefit from participating in expressive writing as part of their supportive cancer treatment. The writing act can be a form of healing for patients dealing with a cancer diagnosis.

Sue has been promoting journal writing as a tool for personal growth and self-care for many years. She prefers the term “therapeutic writing,” believing It better explains the benefits inherent in its use. Research supports the effectiveness of writing to reduce hypertension and increase immune system functioning, as well as many other benefits.

Taught by Sue Meyn, M C. She has presented to many organizations in Phoenix and now Flagstaff and was a facilitator for groups at Cancer Support Community Arizona for seventeen years.

The art of non-doing; it is the state of conscious deep sleep. The body sleeps, but the mind stays awake, alert, and aware. Yoga Nidra works to bring balance, harmony, and ease to the body/mind system on many levels, such as releasing tensions, disentangling thoughts, restoring balance to the nervous system, reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, and enhancing the healing response…and more.